SeeHotel Gotthard
Gotthardstrasse 11
6353 Weggis
SeeHotel Gotthard Weggis has several restaurants, namely, the Pizzeria, the Stuebli, the Poulet-Beizli, and the Lakeside Terrace.
Take-away or take-out food was also available.
We frequented this restaurant especially the Pizzeria but once in a while we also went to the Stuebli or Poulet-Beizli.
Gotthard was known for its roasted chicken that was why the name Poulet-Beizli. Poulet means chicken in English language.
But I did not only eat chicken or pizza at SeeHotel Gotthard whether we were at the Pizzeria or Poulet-Beizli.
I also liked ordering fish like grilled fish, fish fried in butter, and fish steamed in white wine with cream, shrimps and mussels.
Fish varied depending on the season. Most often, I have had salmon or perch-pike or perch or trout.
People at SeeHotel Gotthard were always friendly to us especially the owners.
The owners have always greeted us every time we ate there whether at the Pizzeria or at the Stuebli or at the Poulet-Beizli.
- Poulet-Beizli Restaurant
- Table Decoration
- Green Salad
- Salmon with Asparagus
- Salmon with Asparagus
- Panna Cotta
As of this writing, SeeHotel Gotthard has the following opening hours until Easter:
Wednesday to Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Monday and Tuesday, closed
Starting Easter, only on Tuesday closed
The Poulet-Beizli is open all day, but from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. dishes can only be chosen from its small afternoon menu.
Visit its site for more information: SeeHotel Gotthard Weggis
[…] The Pizzeria was just one of the restaurants of SeeHotel Gotthard Weggis just like the Poulet-Beizli. […]