SeeHotel Gotthard
Gotthardstrasse 11
6353 Weggis
The Pizzeria was just one of the restaurants of SeeHotel Gotthard just like the Poulet-Beizli.
The Pizzeria of SeeHotel Gotthard Weggis was one of the restaurants in the village being frequented by the locals.
The Pizzeria has been using the traditional oven made of stone for making its pizza.
But eating at the Pizzeria was not limited to pizza. I even ordered shrimps instead of pizza.
There were more on the menu list of the Pizzeria like fish, meat and chicken among others.
Take-away or take-out was also available.
Not to forget, people were always friendly and accommodating.
- Green Salad
- Green Salad
- Centine 2008
- Centine 2008
- Giant Shrimps Thai-style
- Giant Shrimps Thai-style
As of this writing, SeeHotel Gotthard has the following opening hours until Easter:
Wednesday to Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Monday and Tuesday, closed
Starting Easter, only on Tuesday closed
Pizza can be ordered from 6:00 p.m. onwards.
Visit its site for more information: SeeHotel Gotthard Weggis
[…] frequented the Pizzeria at SeeHotel Gotthard Weggis, I definitely have eaten different varieties of its pizza several times […]